Thursday, July 5, 2012

Counting down

A sweaty 'Yours truly'  on the summit
with a little shameless advertising
Coincidentally, the family vacation destination proved to be a great opportunity to get in some last minute training.  Lake Lure, NC is tucked away in the mountainous, western part of the state.  After looking around online for some trails, I discovered that the highest point east of the Mississippi, Mount Mitchell, was a mere 42 miles away.  At 6684 feet, it's not quite Rainier, but a great way to put my training to the test with a ~5.7mi climb and 3600ft of elevation change.  The wife accompanied me on the rocky trail that really wasn't suited for grand views on the way to the summit.  We knew what was in store for us on the summit:  a bit of an anticlimactic feeling due to the paved walkway where kind folks walked ~200 feet from their cars.  Not a knock against these people, more of a 'why did I just go to all that trouble' thing.  Did see an elderly ex-Marine with a cane in each hand struggling to get to the top.  I hope to inspire people with this Rainier climb, but I will say that seeing this man inspired me, and also justified having the "easy" path to the summit.

The official marker

Wonder if they have something like this on the summit of Rainier?

1 comment:

  1. I have figured out I don't know how to comment on blogs yet. This is only the second one for me! I do not think there is a sign at the top, but there is a 4500' climb in about three miles. I wish I were going.

